Get Residential Painting in Santa Rosa With Mike Chavez Painting
Painters in the Santa Rosa area seem to be a dime a dozen. Finding the one who is right for you usually means hiring a licensed and bonded team with experience and favorable references.
Residential Painting in Santa Rosa
Repainting both the interior and exterior of a home is something that the team at Mike Chavez Painting specializes in, especially when done as part of the same project. This can be convenient for you as a homeowner since it gives you the chance to have everything done at once. If you do not need your entire house re-done, they also offer single-room painting services.
Commercial Painting Services Available
Tenant improvement projects are great for when you just move into a newly leased space and want to make the area your own. At the same time, you can have your logo or canvas awning lettering applied to the exterior of your business. Low VOC and low odor paints help reduce fumes in the air, making your place of business a cleaner environment for employees and customers. For other areas, metal and industrial surface painting as well as pressure washing services are available to those who need them, along with roll-up industrial door painting.
Staining and Floor Coatings
Staining cabinets, floors, decks, fences, awnings or other interior or exterior wooden surfaces is no problem at all for Mike Chavez Painting. Doing it right the first time is far easier than stripping the stain and trying again. Floor coatings offered include industrial coatings designed for high-traffic areas and laboratories, as well as standard garage floor coverings that might be found in either a residential or industrial environment.
Finding a professional painting service in Santa Rosa can be challenging since there are hundreds of painting outfits in the area. The team at Mike Chavez Painting stands by their work wherever it is done, either in residential or commercial areas. Give them a call today at 707-623-5850 to find out more about how they can help you with your next painting, staining or floor-covering project.