Tips for House Painting- Interior and Exterior
House painting is one of the most popular home improvement projects. A fresh coat of paint will liven up your spaces and boost your home’s curb appeal. Before you start a home painting project, plan everything right to the last detail.
Here are some tips for a successful project.
Choose the Right Time
Early summer and fall tend to be the ideal time for painting. Summer offers the best weather conditions for painting. Your paint will go on smoothly and get enough time to dry and cure properly. Avoid painting in the rainy season as rains will increase the relative humidity, and the paint will take longer to dry and may not properly adhere to the surfaces.
Prepare for House Painting
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of preparing surfaces before painting them. Surface preparation is key to ensuring the longevity of the paint. You must clean and prime your walls before you start with the painting process.
When choosing a primer, consider what you are painting. If you are painting drywall or furniture, use a water-based primer. Oil-based primers are ideal for paneling, old and painted furniture, and water-damaged or smoke-saturated walls. If you want to paint a structure or wall with severe water or smoke damage, use a shellac primer.
Fill the cracks with wall putty and prime the walls before painting them. Scrape the sand and old paint from your walls. Wash oily surfaces with soap and rinse with clean water. Wipe your walls with a soft, clean cloth. This will help create a clean, dust-free surface.
Use High-Quality Painting Tools
Substandard painting tools will cost you less. However, your paint may not adhere properly or may start cracking, blistering, or peeling prematurely. One of the best ways to make your paint last longer is to use high-quality brushes, rollers, and roller covers.
Paint from Top to Bottom
Use a brush to cut in the edges of the ceiling and baseboard. Apply paint from the ceiling downward. Once an area starts to dry, leave it alone as going back over it could cause unsightly marks and color streaks.
Cover Everything You Don’t Want to Paint
Paint splatters can be challenging to remove from furniture, floors, and doors. Before starting to paint, cover your floors and items with old clothes and plastic bags to avoid ruining them.
Mike Chavez Painting is a team of seasoned house painters in Sonoma County. We use high-quality tools and time-tested techniques designed to make paint jobs last longer. To schedule an appointment, call 707-623-5850.